SBL Sabadilla (30ml)

Coryza, nasal congestion, sneezing, allergy to strong odors, worms

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MRP ₹ 90.00


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Product Information

Product Description

Tincture is made of seeds.


Other Name: Asagraea officinalis, Veratrum officinale, Sabadilla officinarum, Cebadilla, Cevadilla. 




Every time he takes cold it settles in his nose and throat.

Violent acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of nose, throat, trachea and larynx indicates Sabadilla.

Catarrhal condition of the nose, with constant sneezing, burning; stuffing up of the nose.

Sleepiness comes on from thinking, meditating, reading in this remedy.

Mind and Head


Easily startled, Imagines that he is very sick; that parts are shrunken;indicates Sabadilla.


Vertigo early in the morning after rising, Stupefying headaches with coryza, frontal pains and redness of eyelids.




Eyes, Ear, nose


Redness of margins of eyelids. Lachrymation, especially during exercise in open air, when looking at anything bright indicates Sabadilla.




Mouth and Throat


The burning sensation, pain as from excoriation, pricking and itching tingling in lips is resolved with Sabadilla.




Stomach and abdomen


Spasmodic pain in stomach with dry cough and difficult breathing. Empty feeling in stomach.


Desire for hot things, that relieves his complaints indicates Sabadilla.




Stool and Anus


Itching of anus and rectum as from ascarides and children's diarrhoea with constant cutting pains indicates Sabadilla.


Very difficult stools with much burning in abdomen and sensation as if something alive in abdomen.




Urinary complaints


Burning in urethra when urinating.Urgent want to urinate, especially in evening, with tenesmus and scanty emission




Male complaints


Tensive and painful erections, without desire for coition. Flaccidity of penis.




Female complaints


Cutting pains, as from knives, in ovary indicates Sabadilla.




Neck and Back


Burning-tingling stinging sensation between scapulae. Pain in back and loins, especially when seated.






Coldness of the limbs. Trembling of arms and hands. Dryness of skin of hands.






Red bands, spots, and points in different parts of skin, appearing with greatest intensity in cold air indicates Sabadilla.






The heat is more perceptible in the face and on the hands than on the rest of the body, with absence of thirst both in the chilly and hot stage indicates Sabadilla.


Sensitive to the cold air, a cold room, cold food indicates Sabadilla.




Side Effect

    Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

    If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. 

Safety Advice

    No side effect known.


    Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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